RF Welders and Catheter Tipping Systems


How Much Do Arcs Cost you

During the RF Sealing Process?

Yesterday's RF Welders Arc a Lot, Damage the Sealing Dies, and Cause Lots of Downtime

There is a better technology out there to overcome the issues above

Fact #1: Poor or No Arc Control leads to many arcs in the RF sealing process

Some processes that use classic RF Sealers can arc several times a day, especially if your welder is not properly tuned or arc sensitivity is not set properly. Arcs can occur due to operator error and this forces to stop production to clean the die removed burned materials, repair or replace the damaged die. So how can we eliminate arcs? There are methods to minimize the occurrence but completely eliminate arcing is impossible, yet minimizing arc damage, is possible with faster electronics.

Solution: ONEX RF has superior controls that virtually eliminate die damage due to arc. The hybrid RF technology allows us to use faster arc detection circuit to prevent die damage.

Fact #2: How much downtime can you afford?

Once the RF sealer arcs, operator must stop the process to clean the dies to prevent consecutive arcs. In the best case scenario the operator has to inspect the die and clean it from carbon buildup left from the arc  and start the process all over, this can take from 10-20 minutes per occurrence. If the die is damaged (melted or scarred)  the die must be removed for repair or replacement. This task requires technical person involvement, which can take 30-60 minutes. All the downtime dealing with cleaning or replacing your die, plus the loss time for production can end up costing you $1,000, 2,000, maybe more.

Solution: By offering ONEX RF technology, we can help you eliminate the repair or replacement costs. This will result in great savings for minimum amount of time for just cleaning the dies if arc does occur.

Fact #3: Damaged Die Repair and Replacement Costs

Too many companies accept die repair or replacement costs as a "cost of doing business..." as if there was no other way.

So, how can we eliminate the accumulative costs caused by arcs, repair costs of $500-1,000 per arc or replacement costs ranging from $2,500-10,000 die several times a year? 

Solution: ONEX RF Welders can run years without ever damaging a single die, plus we can help you design the dies and select proper die materials to extend the life of the sealing dies, resulting in putting thousands of dollars back into your pocket


Fact #4 Choosing shortcuts or less expensive options

Aluminum dies are less expensive to make, yet due to the low melting temperature any arc discharge can cause much more visible damage.

Due to constant arcs on classic RF welders, many customers choose to make dies in several sections to reduce repair or replacement costs. The slightest misalignment or sharp edge can further cause arcs thus the process of repair can actually double since it does require skilled person to properly replace the sections.

Besides the die proper material selection one must also pay attention on the geometry of seal, edge radius and surface finish. 

Solution: ONEX RF takes no shortcuts in die design. We take the time to design and manufacture the dies properly and with the help of our technology we can offer the perfect proces consistency and up time.


We believe in "Do it right, do it once" concept.

Process Efficiency Bar is set much higher with the ONEX RF Welders

The money you spend for the downtime, arc damage repair or replacement of expensive dies can provide the perfect ROI to upgrade to ONEX RF Welding technology.

  • Virtually eliminate arc damages by 99%
  • No more die replacement
  • No more skilled personal requirements


Don’t Let Your RF Welder to Drain Your Profit.

Contact ONEX RF and ask for a demonstration or technical information to improve process efficiency and profitability.

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